Tuesday, October 30, 2007
And Now He Walks...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Lily!

In the next month you will be a big sister. I have no doubt that you will love your baby brother or sister with all of your very, big heart. I also have a sneaking suspicion that you will thoroughly enjoy bossing that newcomer around! That's the bonus of being the eldest child...take it from someone who knows!
Welcom to the wonderful world of TWO. Do us a favor...take it easy on your parents...they'll be working hard (on little sleep) in the next few months. Happy Birthday Bug - we love you!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy First Birthday Fionn!

Happy 1st Birthday little man! I'm not sure where the time has gone. I've spent the last few days remembering what I was doing one year ago. 365 days later...I can't imagine life without you. A few things about you at this point in your life. You are such a BOY! I mean that with all the love and exasperation that a mother has for her son. At the ripe ol' age of 1, you show no signs of wanting to listen to me (even your bossy big sister demonstrates a glimmer of hope). And when you do get in trouble, you flash me this charming grin and make your eyes all twinkly...I can't help but smile and smother you with kisses!

Tomorrow we'll celebrate your first with the rest of the family in town. Because you share your birthday with your cousin Ryan (Happy 32nd, by the way), I'm sure you won't mind if he helps you blow out the candles on the birthday cake! You also have the same birthday as your Grandpa Michael. I have a feeling he'll be here to celebrate with you...in spirit. You've got loads of people who are sending you birthday wishes from all over the U.S. and the globe.
Oh, the things you have taught us so far! You bring so much joy and love into our lives. We love you more than words can say! Happy Birthday Fionn.
Love - Mommy
Friday, October 12, 2007
Which International Cities are Most Important to the IrishKids?
Anyway, since Kit has started talking (which feels like forever) we've been teaching her the various cities that some of her relatives live in...unfortunately not all are represented - it's still a work in progress. At first she did really well distinguishing who lived in which city. Now she's decided that everyone lives in Brussels...with the exception of Chas (she always gets his city right...I think it's because she loves to say DOOO-BYE). Check her out...she's a quick little thing!
Friday, October 5, 2007
October...My Busiest Month All Year!
I've always loved the month of October and I can't really explain why. Maybe because it's when the leaves start changing, or because as a kid, you have settled into the routine of school, activities, etc. or maybe it's Halloween (not really for me though, I'm not a big fan). Or maybe it's because it's the month before my birthday month (yes, even at the ripe age of 32, I celebrate my birthday MONTH).
But as I looked at the calendar the other day...I realized that as an adult, October is a busy month. This month we'll wish our friends, Sandy & Paul a Happy 2nd Anniversary, the IrishKids, Nana B will be visiting, we'll celebrate our neice Lily's 2nd Birthday, celebrate Fionn's 1st Birthday, and to cap it all off Alan and I will celebrate our 3rd Anniversary. Not to mention my cousin Drew and Ryan's birthdays!
So bring on the celebrations!