Within the first ten minutes of chasing my son all over the place and watching my daughter fall into various other parents and children, I was ready to give it up and go home...for a big glass of Christmas cheer (aka wine). Lucky for me, Kathleen works with children and has the patience of a saint! She convinced me that it would be fine and definitely worth it. The good news: no matter what country, parents would rather be doing a million other things besides waiting for Santa...but we do it anyway!
The other good news, the group of women in front of us proposed the idea of watching each others buggies while the other group goes for a cup of coffee. That was a great idea! And the caffiene was most appreciated. The IrishKids did very well, especially since they were the youngest in line to see Santa.
Both were delighted to meet Santa and even more so when they received a present from him. Sorry, the only picture I don't have to post is the one taken with Santa. It turned out really well...no screaming or crying (they're not smiling either), but looking straight at the camera. I must say...I am glad that we went. Merry Christmas!
All in all it was a 16.5 mile trip. Not too bad actually...but we were pretty happy to see the trucks when we finished (that might have something to do with the cooler full of "cold ones"). The children were happy to get out of their trailers and use the back of Jack's truck as a play yard! They had fun.
Two days after our bike ride, Jack and Michelle welcomed their second child, as you all know by now! And boy oh boy is he a cutie! I'm sure you've seen his pics too! If not, visit their blog for updates. And two days after little Jack Davidson arrived, I celebrated my 33rd birthday with family and friends! What a night that was...great dinner at Coopers Hawk (plenty of wine consumed) and then drinks and dancing at the Gormley pub (a.k.a. our basement)! It was crazy fun...and I learned that my cousin Drew is quite the dancer! Lucky for him the videos I took were way too dark to see anything!
After that, Thanksgiving! Margie, Debbie, Glenn, Kylie and David arrived and the party did not stop! I needed to go back to work to rest! We hosted a Black Wednesday party at the Gormley Pub for the JV squad (those family members under the age of 35 and over the age of 21). Lots of laughs and plenty of alcohol consumed...I think I'd better take the next couple of weeks to dry out!
Needless to say, November was a good month! And in just two weeks time, we'll be in Ireland for Christmas! Seasons Greetings!