Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Trip to the Seafront

We celebrated Christmas once again with Alan's extended family yesterday. Bernie made dinner for aunts, uncles, and cousins...about 25 in all. Since there was much to be done in the kitchen and other parts of the house, Denise, Sinead (Denise's best friend), and I wisely decided to get the children out from under foot for a bit of fresh air...something we knew our sore heads would benefit from as well (Friday night was Girls Night Out)!
Kit and Fionn were introduced to Sinead's niece and nephew, Alia and Eughen. The children hit it off and had a great time together! They loved picking up rocks on the beach and throwing them into the waves...I'm sure the fishermen loved that. Fionn wanted to jump into the waves, regardless of the temperature. We were sure to keep a close eye on him. The fresh air did a world of good for both IrishKids...not to mention their mommy. I think they were just so happy to be out and about with new friends. Not to mention the promise of ice cream, if they were good.
After the beach, it was tea and ice cream for everyone. They were all very good and on their best behavior. It was a great afternoon. And by the time we got home...dinner was ready and the guests had all ready started to arrive. I thought I'd have very tired children...but they were extremely sociable and charming. Which is, of course, how they always behave...ha ha ha! Anyway, it was a good day and good night. I know they're enjoying their visit with their Nana, Aunties and friends.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wishes To All!

Merry Christmas to one and all! Here I sit on Christmas morning, thinking of my loved ones-near and far, drinking a glass of champagne, and enjoying the peace and quiet while the children nap. I thought I'd share just a few snapshots of the children's time leading up to Santa's visit.

Here they sit on Christmas Eve, fresh out of the bath and snug in the pj's Gramma & Papa gave them for Christmas. Just ten more minutes until bedtime...
We weren't up quite as early as usual this year, but once again we had to wake Kit from her sleep...which means she'll need a nap sooner rather than later. Check out her buggy...she loves it...I'm just trying to figure out how we'll get that home!
Ahhh, she's finally opening her (and anyone else's) presents. This is what she's been hearing about since before we arrived in Ireland. She wasn't really all that interested about what was inside the wrapper...she just wanted the first pull! Fionn was happy to pick up the remains! He was delighted with all the new things.
It is true that you re-discover the magic of Christmas through your children...tantrums and all!
For all our family and friends, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! We're lucky to be here in Ireland celebrating with Alan's family...his first in 8 years. We miss the rest of our family and friends in the States, we love you and are celebrating right along with you.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Seeing Santa

On Tuesday afternoon my sister-in-law, Kathleen, and I took the kids to see Santa Claus. I know I said I wouldn't do it...because waiting in line with screaming, whiny children (I'm speaking of my own) is not my idea of a good time. But since we're in Ireland for Christmas...I decided "how bad could it be"?

We arrived at PowersCourt, an old stone estate which has been transformed into various shops and a gardening center, at about 3:15. As you can see from the sign above, the line to see Santa was 1 and 1/2 hours. Kathleen and I looked at each other and decided, "what the hell...we can handle it"! I think at times my cockiness gets the better of me, wouldn't you agree.

Within the first ten minutes of chasing my son all over the place and watching my daughter fall into various other parents and children, I was ready to give it up and go home...for a big glass of Christmas cheer (aka wine). Lucky for me, Kathleen works with children and has the patience of a saint! She convinced me that it would be fine and definitely worth it. The good news: no matter what country, parents would rather be doing a million other things besides waiting for Santa...but we do it anyway!

The other good news, the group of women in front of us proposed the idea of watching each others buggies while the other group goes for a cup of coffee. That was a great idea! And the caffiene was most appreciated. The IrishKids did very well, especially since they were the youngest in line to see Santa.
Both were delighted to meet Santa and even more so when they received a present from him. Sorry, the only picture I don't have to post is the one taken with Santa. It turned out really screaming or crying (they're not smiling either), but looking straight at the camera. I must say...I am glad that we went. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2007

We're Here...

We've arrived safe and sound in Ireland for the Christmas holiday! It's nice to have the initial leg of the journey behind us. The IrishKids did pretty well on the plane, as well as a 1 & 2 year old could do stuck in a seat for 6.5 hours! They were very happy to see their Nana B and Auntie Kathleen in Dublin.

Alan, Kathleen and I had a good night out on Saturday. Lucky for us, Nana B was kind enough to stay home and babysit. And what a night she had...remember that bug that Fionn had before we left...let's just say that it bit Kit Saturday night. Nana B had to do a load of wash, clean the carpet, and keep Kit occupied while her blanket dried. Kit finally fell asleep and Bernie got to tell us the whole story when we returned. Thank you Nana B.

I took over sick duty yesterday, as Kit was still not feeling herself. Bernie, Alan, and Fionn went down to Dalkey to visit for the day. I was lucky enough to spend the day on the couch, watching any sort of chick flick I could find on TV, enjoying the peace and quiet while my daughter slept for most of the day. Keep your fingers crossed that the bug doesn't bite us all.

Happy Holidays to all!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The First Haircut...

Bet you thought this post would be for Fionn, right? Nope! Kit finally had her first real haircut about a week ago! Hard to believe that she went 28 months without seeing a stylist (especially since her mother doesn't go more than 5-6 weeks without seeing hers)! Here's her shaggy before picture.

And here are her after pictures. Sorry they're not better pictures...she wasn't feeling the photo shoot. Anyway, the new cut is darling and her hair looks so much thicker! There's just something about a pixie cut on little girls. I now understand why my mom always kept my hair short!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The 3 Mousekateers...

Hard to believe that these three rugrats are 2 going on 3! I remember wondering what they'd be like when Caroline, Michelle, and I were pregnant. It's better than I had imagined it! I'm so happy they have each other (along with their siblings, of course). It'll be fun to watch their friendship grow over the years.

And then there are my 3 rugrats (hi honey!). Don't they look cozy snuggled up on the couch watching one of the Jason Bourne movies! I couldn't help but capture the moment. And look at the sweet way Kit's rubbing Fionn's head. Had to make sure to get that on film! The weather in Chicago is complete crap tonight. It's nice to be home with my family.

November in a Nutshell

December 1st all ready????? What happened to November? Lately there have been more than a few passing comments about the lack of new entries posted in the past couple of weeks. It certainly wouldn't be because November's been uneventful. On the's been my busiest month, we had a lot going on!

One of the coolest things we did in November was the "Ride the Toll" bike ride. This ride took place the very chilly Sunday before Veteran's Day to honor the new I-355 extension south to I-80. For those of you who are familiar with Chicago expressways...the 355 extension is pretty big deal. We've waited 40+ years for that stretch of highway! We had a group of 9 adults and 5 kids! At first the IrishKids weren't too keen on the idea...especially when there were thousands of other bikes/riders surrounding them. Once we got going though they were fine. I think they even slept for about 45 minutes.

All in all it was a 16.5 mile trip. Not too bad actually...but we were pretty happy to see the trucks when we finished (that might have something to do with the cooler full of "cold ones"). The children were happy to get out of their trailers and use the back of Jack's truck as a play yard! They had fun.
Two days after our bike ride, Jack and Michelle welcomed their second child, as you all know by now! And boy oh boy is he a cutie! I'm sure you've seen his pics too! If not, visit their blog for updates. And two days after little Jack Davidson arrived, I celebrated my 33rd birthday with family and friends! What a night that was...great dinner at Coopers Hawk (plenty of wine consumed) and then drinks and dancing at the Gormley pub (a.k.a. our basement)! It was crazy fun...and I learned that my cousin Drew is quite the dancer! Lucky for him the videos I took were way too dark to see anything!

After that, Thanksgiving! Margie, Debbie, Glenn, Kylie and David arrived and the party did not stop! I needed to go back to work to rest! We hosted a Black Wednesday party at the Gormley Pub for the JV squad (those family members under the age of 35 and over the age of 21). Lots of laughs and plenty of alcohol consumed...I think I'd better take the next couple of weeks to dry out!

Needless to say, November was a good month! And in just two weeks time, we'll be in Ireland for Christmas! Seasons Greetings!