Sunday, February 22, 2009

Six Months & Counting...

Meet the newest member of the Gormley clan! Had my ultrasound last week and for the first time ever got to see actual pics of the little one. It's crazy to see that little face - but really cool. At one point, it even looked like my little one waved at me...made my day.

All is well on the development front. Baby G is growing as expected. Can't believe I'm at the six month point...June 11/12 seems so far away still. If my pregnancy is any indication - having 3 kids under 4 will certainly be a great adventure...good thing I like roller coasters!

We're excited to welcome our newest little one. Kit and Fionn love the idea of having a baby around (I think it appeals to both of them that there will be another person for them to boss around). They notice my expanding belly and love to pull up my shirt to say hello to the baby and give's really very sweet.

Looking forward to the day when we can post pictures of Baby G's arrival for all of you.