Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Bit Behind the Times...

Wow...October flew by in a hurry! Halloween has come and gone and we're on to the next holiday. I'd better keep running to prep myself for that yummy Thanksgiving feast! The fall has been a great time with the IrishKids. The park closest to our house finally re-opened last week with all new equipment. Needless to say, with the weather we've been having, we're using it...ALOT!

As you can see, the youngest IrishKid is getting to be quite a big girl. We borrowed this chair from Uncle Jack and Aunt Michelle and she loves it! I think she just wants to be where the action is!
Kit still loves her role as the big sister and doesn't let Maggie too far out of her sight.
Halloween was a great time, even if it was FREEZING! I think it was about 44 degrees, but it was a clear and sunny day. And luckily for us...we trick or treat around the block and further!
The whole gang went trick or treating this year, Lily, Jack, Evan, Kit, Fionn, and Maggie. Maggie was super toasty warm in her PeaPod costume in her stroller...but we didn't take her out for many photo opps (to see Maggie in costume visit It didn't take long for the group to grasp the trick or treating concept. By House #3, they knew what to expect, how to ask, and where to go next! And I don't know about you but by the end of the night, the words "treat" and "candy" were like curse words to my ears!!

And to start off the Halloween weekend, Kit and Evan had their first pre-school program. They sang us lots of songs and kept us entertained for 15 minutes. It was really cute ( and of course, now I can't find the video!)
Hope you enjoyed October as much as we did! Here's looking forward to the rest of November!