You all know the story...busy blogger mommy takin' care of lil' ones, working, grad school, yadda, yadda, yadda! Yes, I know, it's not about me -- it's about the IrishKids. Let me catch ya up with what's been happening since the last post (there are pics - hang in there)....
The summer really did FLY BY! The children had a great time spending quality time (QT) with family, especially Uncle B and Auntie K during their summer visits. QT with these two consists of lots of sweets/slurpees, crazy antics (especially with Uncle B), arts, crafts, and photo opps (courtesy of Auntie K), not to mention, tons of laughs, hugs and kisses!!! Needless to say, the children miss Uncle B & Auntie K (among others) like crazy and cannot wait to see them again.
In addition to Uncle B & Auntie K's visits, we were excited to host some adopted family members, the Volz family! Amanda and Zak were 'adopted' into the family many years ago and it was finally time to introduce their 2 adorable girls to their crazy adopted family members 'up North'! The IrishKids were so excited to visit with their 'cousins' - Maddie and Brooke - and CANNOT wait to go visit them 'down South' SOON.
After a fun visit with the Volz family, it was time to head up to the great state of Wisconsin to visit Auntie Meier and attend the annual family reunion in Eau Claire...a VERY LONG RIDE...but a good time was had by all!
And then, August brought Kit's 5th birthday! Grandma Susie promised a special birthday cake per Kit's request...a SCHOOL BUS! Pretty impressive, right?

And check out what her crazy parents got her for her birthday present! Yeah I know...what were
we thinking?

Shortly after Kit's birthday...Kit and Fionn started school. Both are in the same pre-school program this year and I'm happy to report that they are doing great and LOVE being there.

Mommy really enjoys M, W, F from 12:30-2:55pm...but I think Maggie misses those rascals!

At the end of September, the IrishKids participated in their first 5K with the family (Mom, Grandma, Papa, Uncle Jack & Auntie Michelle). Mom ran ahead and then doubled back to meet up with the kiddos - and that's when she learned it's best if the IrishKids watch from the sidelines! Grandma decided that she and Fionn had to cheat when it was apparent that a 5K was too much of a challenge for his attention span. And Papa put up a valiant effort pushing Maggie AND Kit across the finish line in the double stroller. Looks like Mommy will be racing ALONE in the near future!
And then it was time for the first field trip to the Children's Farm...happy aren't they?

Good thing Uncle Jack and Lily were there too!

And October brought Fionn's 4th birthday (which he celebrated for a week straight...sound like someone else you know???) And of course he had a special request birthday cake for Grandma Susie...

That's right folks - a submarine! She's really outdone herself - btw, I'd like to go on record saying I don't remember any special birthday cake requests as a kid! Jack, B...can you?
And as we wrap up the month...Kit lost her first tooth! Hard to believe she's old enough for losing teeth!!!
Halloween's just around the corner...hopefully, I'll get pics up before Christmas, but knowing me, I wouldn't hold your breath (LOL)! Happy Halloween - hope to see you again before Turkey Day!