Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bike Rides and Bears Games

Last Sunday was Family Day for the IrishKids. This was due to the fact that the Kids loving parents knew that they'd be working hellish hours in the week ahead. So,to ease our guilty conscious, we decided that we needed to have a little fun as a family. Lucky for us, the Kids grandparents had decided that Sunday would be the perfect day for a bike ride for family and friends! We packed up the bikes, bike trailer and the Kids and headed over to Grandma's.

That sounds ALOT smoother than it actually was. For the 45 minutes prior to leaving our house, we were subjected to the ranting and raving of our eldest IrishKid. Apparently she decided that was the best time to have a MAJOR MELTDOWN. This is largely attributed to the fact that she stubbornly refused to take a nap AND she's 2 (enough said)! But we weren't going to let one meltdown deter us from family fun...and so we pressed on!

And this is what happens to two IrishKids within the first 15 minutes of their bike adventure!

And believe it or not...they stayed like this for about an hour! Giving their parents the opportunity to enjoy a cold, frosty beverage in peace with their Uncle Jack & Grandparents upon arrival of our destination! Cute, huh?
The bike ride was a pre-cursor to the main event of the night...the Bears game at Aunt Carol's on the big screen (projected onto the garage door)! Talk about Bears fans in their glory. Aunt Carol knows how to throw a party!
Really, it was another oppotunity for the IrishKids to hang with family and run around with their cousin, Evan. Evan and Kit are the same age (actually, Evan is about 6 weeks older than Kit) and the two of them had a great time together.
I was thrilled to see these two getting along so well, especially since Kit has been know to push Evan around in the past (I mean literally PUSH). I think he's realized that she's a runt compared to him. They seemed happy to just hang out. Always a bonus to have another little one to occupy the Kitzer.
Unfortunately, the Bears were not victorious on Sunday. No matter...we all had a good time! And Alan and I had a happy little memory to help us get through the long days at the beginning of the week.


Brenden said...

Does Kit ever look away from the camera these days? Where the hell would she have gotten that from?

auntie.k said...

Hi there,
Good to see the pictures they both look great and so happy even thought as you said its not always like that but take those moments when they come.
love Auntie Kitzer.