Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Dancing Construction Workers...

Last week while Alan was cleaning up the garage, the IrishKids discovered a couple of hardhats from a construction site long ago. Now everytime they're outside doing is essential that they wear these hardhats...

Climbing on the tractor - wear a hardhat...

Riding their bikes - wear a hardhat...

Rockin' out in the driveway to Cher - wear a hardhat...

Actually the hardhats make a lot of sense...especially for Crash...I mean Fionn. BTW...anyone picking up on the similarities of dance styles in our family? I'm thinking they get their moves from Daddy!


Judi said...

That is cute, they really have the moves!!!
Aunt Judi

Terri said...

It looks like they are ready to join the Village People, they have the moves.
Can't wait to see them.
Aunt T