Sunday, June 7, 2009

Preparing for Number 3

As mentioned in the previous post, Tuesday = Delivery Day (D-Day of a different sort)! We've been working feverishly in the Gormley household to get things ready for Baby G's arrival! I guess the nesting instinct has finally kicked in...with A LOT of help from my wonderful sister-in-law...she's a godsend.

As you can see - the nesting hasn't been without its rewards. Kit is seen here enjoying the Smartie bar that her Auntie Neecie sent over with Alan and Kathleen. Oh by the way, what do you think of our "new" couch?

And as promised - a picture of the burgeoning belly...Fionn wanted to make sure that he measured it! Apparently the "fat max" was the only thing that could be used!

And here's Fionn cuddled up to his daddy watching "Into the West". A movie both the children enjoyed immensely.
And finally...Auntie Kathleen has arrived from Ireland. Celebrations to be had by everyone. The children are thrilled to have their auntie visiting for the summer...but not as thrilled as their Mommy! She's accomplished more in 3 days time than I have in the past nine months! We're looking forward to having a great summer!
And so that's where we are at this point and anticipating the roller coaster ride that we are about to embark upon. We'll be posting soon.


Jeff and Leadon said...

Good for you! Good Luck on Tuesday. I'll be thinking about you.

Terri said...

Can't wait to get there, only one more day. You will have your hands full but its nice that Alan's sister will be there to lend extra hands. See ya soon!
aunt T

Amanda said...

I'm so wishing I was still in Chicago to see you. I miss you tons, and can't wait to hear all the details! I'm hoping you'll say, "Quick, painless, and easy."