Monday, November 15, 2010


I recently started running again as a way to get in shape.  I used to run in my early 20's to stay fit -- but didn't really enjoy it.  However, I knew that it worked then, so I figured it would work now.  It's amazing what a decade and three small children can do for a person's viewpoint.  Now, I actually kind of LOVE it!  To give me something to work for, I started signing up for local 5K's.  Yesterday, I completed my 4th race since September and have improved my time by 4 minutes!  I'm proud to call myself a "runner" but I also know that I couldn't have done it without the help and support of some very special people.   

So, thank you Alan, for recognizing that running makes me feel strong, healthy, and beautiful and encouraging me to go for it!  Thank you Mom and Dad for your encouragement and time spent with the IrishKids so Mommy can "get a run in".  Thank you to Kathleen, Jack, Michelle, and Marcy for motivating me to push myself and strive to do better.  Thank you to my family and friends that think I'm a "nut" but continue to cheer me on from the sidelines.  And thank you to my IrishKids for being the most important reasons for me to be healthy and keep up with the three of you and have a blast doing it!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Run, Mama, Run!

I've always admired your ability (and desire) to run. I simply cannot do it no matter how much I'd love to call myself a runner.

I think the most important thing is that you found something you love, and that's good for you physically and mentally. You're also setting a great example for the kids (in many different ways).

I'll stick with Yoga! :)