Monday, July 30, 2007

Time in the Pen

One of the things I love about having my children close together is watching them play together. I mean really play together! Now that Fionn is mobile (SpeedRacer on all fours), there is nothing that he loves more than chasing his big sister. I'm pretty sure he thinks that she is the "coolest" person in our house!

And Kit doesn't mind one bit being the center of her little brother's universe (or anyone else's for that matter!). She loves to talk to him, make him giggle, chase him, and, of course, tell him "NO, NO Fionn" when she feels he's out of line.

Recently, they've decided that the place to be in our house is Kit's crib. The two of them get in (Fionn gets a bit of help from Mommy) and play for long stretches of time. We're talking 20-30 precious "hands free" minutes, folks (not even Shrek can do that)! I must say it's my favorite activity for my children.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Pretty soon they'll be having "cage matches" in there where they will DDT each other, jump from the top rail and then clothesline each other until you scream, "ONE! TWO! THREE!" and declare a winner. Your very own WWE match! Make sure you put it on YouTube!