Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Overheard....sister to Sister

Last week as I was getting ready for work, I overheard the following exchange from Kit to Maggie:

Kit (in a cute sing-songy voice): Good Morning Maggie!! It's your big sister, you big sister!!

Maggie happily gurgles back (probably with a smile, since she loves her big sis).

Kit (again with the girly sing-song): Ohhh Maggie, you're such a big girl, yes you're a big girl!!

More happy cooing and gurgling from Maggie.

Kit (with happy surprise): Oh look at you,'re stretching like a rainbow!!!

I've got to tell you, the memory of that exchange between sisters continues to put a smile on my face. I do love to watch their sisterly bond develop. And hope that all the sweet moments between them now will stay fresh with me when they're teenagers.
I figure that there will be some point that I'll need to remind them that they liked each other...and that Maggie's big sister once compared her to a beautiful rainbow!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The First Day of School

Yep that's right...our first baby, Kit Frances, started pre-school today! And not a moment too soon...she's been asking everyday since last Wednesday (pre-school orientation), "is TODAY is the day I go to school?" I'm happy to report that she was super excited that today was finally the day!
Just look at that big cheesy grin. I can remember my mom taking "first day of school" pictures of us all the way through high school. I didn't get it as a kid...but I understand her reasoning now.
And even her brother was excited for her. I thought for sure he'd have a hard time with her doing her own thing, but he was good. Bouncing off the walls when we finally got Kit into her classroom, but surprisingly obliged when I told him to say goodbye to Kit and wish her good luck on her first day at school.

And even more of her best buddies, Evan, is in her class! Here they are right before running through the doors to their classroom. I mean it...they ran to get INTO's hoping that exuberance and excitement continues.

And finally in class. See her nametag? All the children have them and we've been asked to make sure they wear them for at least the first 3 weeks, so that everyone can learn names. When Alan and I decided on Kit's name, I can remember thinking that there wouldn't be very many Kit's out there (one of the reasons it appealed to me ). And funny enough, it does stand out...
On Sunday, my parents and I took the children to an art festival in town. Kit and Fionn had written their names on a large piece of art (actually, I think it was Grandma and Poppa), one of Kit's teachers happened to be at the same festival, saw the art piece and came over to us. She said that she saw Kit's name and wondered if it was "her Kit" - I've only met her teacher one other time! I was pretty happy to know that she remembered our Kit.

And they both were fine when Caroline and I said goodbye and headed out. They looked excited and happy and ready to learn. And they were still just as excited when we picked them up this afternoon. It's hard to believe that our first has started her educational adventure. We're so proud of her and definitely look forward to what she'll accomplish this year and in the years to come. Enjoy school Kitzer - it will take you far.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Goodbye to Summer, Goodbye to Kathleen

My summer officially ended...Sunday. On Sunday, my sister-in-law, dear friend, and our very own Mary Poppins went back home to Ireland. It was a wonderful summer filled with great times, fantastic memories and lots of laughs. I hope that she enjoyed her visit as much as we did! Kathleen was a tremendous help to us in so many different ways! Below is a snapshot of the fun we had this summer.
Hanging out with Denise and Fiona at the family reunion. Did I mention that the night before she was feverishly making beanbags for the annual tournament?
She also made sure that a trip to the city was on the agenda when the rest of the family visited in July. A day filled with sightseeing and tons of laughs...they were all very tired when they returned home that night.
And as one of the original members of the 'Classy Birds', we made sure there were plenty of opportunities for Auntie Kathleen to get dolled up and have a day/night out on the town! Ahh, the Girls Nights were definitely a good time (Teehans, CoopersHawk, Baily's, Concerts In the Park - you name it we were there!)
But for all of my great memories, I think I'm most appreciative of the memories these 3 will have of the summer Auntie Kathleen stayed with us! From making presents for Papa and Daddy for Father's Days to Saturday morning visits to the Farmer's Market or trips to the shops, to baking cakes and an impromptu trip to Ohio (all captured on Auntie K's camera)...those are the things Kit and Fionn will remember many years from now.
Kit and Fionn have asked me at least four times to explain to them once again why Auntie Kathleen had to go back to Ireland. It just doesn't make sense to them that she couldn't stay at our house - oh how it must feel to not worry about bills, etc.

We miss you Auntie Kathleen. But we're so grateful for the time we spent with you this summer. Thank you for being there for was a blast! We'll see you soon.