Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Trip to the Seafront

We celebrated Christmas once again with Alan's extended family yesterday. Bernie made dinner for aunts, uncles, and cousins...about 25 in all. Since there was much to be done in the kitchen and other parts of the house, Denise, Sinead (Denise's best friend), and I wisely decided to get the children out from under foot for a bit of fresh air...something we knew our sore heads would benefit from as well (Friday night was Girls Night Out)!
Kit and Fionn were introduced to Sinead's niece and nephew, Alia and Eughen. The children hit it off and had a great time together! They loved picking up rocks on the beach and throwing them into the waves...I'm sure the fishermen loved that. Fionn wanted to jump into the waves, regardless of the temperature. We were sure to keep a close eye on him. The fresh air did a world of good for both IrishKids...not to mention their mommy. I think they were just so happy to be out and about with new friends. Not to mention the promise of ice cream, if they were good.
After the beach, it was tea and ice cream for everyone. They were all very good and on their best behavior. It was a great afternoon. And by the time we got home...dinner was ready and the guests had all ready started to arrive. I thought I'd have very tired children...but they were extremely sociable and charming. Which is, of course, how they always behave...ha ha ha! Anyway, it was a good day and good night. I know they're enjoying their visit with their Nana, Aunties and friends.


Gr. Susie said...

We want to go to the seafront too! It looks beautiful and not as cold as it is here in Chicago. Glad to hear that the "grands" are being civilized and sociable instead of the lil buggers that we're used to!

Judi said...

Shan, Thanks for sharing your time in Ireland via your blog. We are enjoying your visit.
Aunt Judi

Daniel & Jennifer said...

Looks like everyone is having a great time. Have a Happy New Year over there!!

Monica said...

I am so jealous, it looks amazing there! Now you all need to come visit us sometime soon, we have a great seafront! Hope that you guys enjoyed your holidays!
Love, Monica

Jeff and Leadon said...

So nice..makes me home sick.. It seems like the children adjusted very well to life on the other side of the world. Good for you! Leadon