Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The School Bell Rang Early Tonight...

You've probably been wondering if I've gotten up to my old tricks again and fallen off the face of "blogger world". Not true, not true...life's just been a bit busier lately and unfortunately my blogging time has taken a backseat to more scintillating activities such as reading about z scores, correlations, intelligence testing, assessment in school counseling, etc. You're jealous, aren't ya?

Lucky for me (and all my loyal blog readers) the school bell rang early tonight and I was home before 9pm! Thus giving me the time to get my bum in gear and update all of you on the antics of the IrishKids. Seen here is a favorite weekend treat, usually provided by our neighbor Paul, chocolate doughnuts with sprinkles. The chocolate topping and sprinkles MUST be eaten first! As you can probably see, Kit keeps her appearance a bit less messy than Fionn! No matter...I love the Kodak moments. Nowadays my mom refers to them as "two little bear cubs". They love to wrestle, giggle, screech, yell at each other, belly laugh & push each other around. Most of the time they're playing...but there are times when the gloves come off! If you have siblings...you know.

Recently we bought the children something that they've been asking for all summer, as a matter of fact, they ask for it repeatedly when Uncle B's name is mentioned. Here you can see they've put their recent purchase to the test...Uncle B will be so proud.

We've got a busy October ahead. Be on the lookout for more antics with those IrishKids!


Amanda said...

Yea! You are back! I missed you.

I love the new videos on youtube.

Brenden said...

Looks like they will be ready to play once I get there for the summer. That video is too funny.

Judi said...

I love the "tennis guitar" duo. They are so cute, can't wait till the end of the month to see them.
Aunt Judi