Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Calvary Arrives

Today the Kids Irish Aunties arrive! Alan's two sisters and cousin are coming to visit us for the next two weeks. I always look forward to having them around for advice (Kathleen's a nanny and Denise managed a daycare for quite some time) and obviously another perk, they spend loads of time with their neice and nephew, which helps lighten the load for us! We're fortunate that even though they live across the Atlantic, they have been able to visit frequently.

What I really enjoy about their visits are: the initial reaction to the children and how they've changed since they saw them last (March to be exact), and the Kids reaction to their Aunties. I've happily discovered that the Kids aren't easy to forget these very special ladies! It might have something to do with the fact that they always have gifts and sweets!

We're looking forward to a great visit with the girls and lucky enough for Kit, they planned their trip to coincide with her 2nd birthday....which is ONE WEEK from today! I can't believe she'll be two!


Michelle and Jack said...

Wow! You're on top of things...I was just checking the blog on a whim! Get ready for two weeks of fun...good food...lots of chocolate (which I'll have to raid early on before Alan eats it all...keep some out of the fridge for us two)...some serious shopping...and many laughs! Our schedule even revolves around the "family" coming over!
- Mic

Sandy said...

Can't wait to see you all this weekend and see the Irish babes!