Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Lily!

Happy 2nd Birthday Lily Bug! It wasn't that long ago that your Uncle Alan, Kit, and myself were anxiously awaiting your arrival in the PCH 'family room'. It was pretty amazing to be one the first people to hear your daddy and Aunt Sara announce your arrival just minutes after you were born. We even got to meet you that night...except for Kit. She had to wait until you came home. But we knew the two of you would be lifelong friends.

You are an adorable and silly little girl. I LOVE your quirkiness! You do and say silly things all the time that make me smile. You and Kit are absolutely the best of friends. But that doesn't mean that you don't argue. But with all lasting fight and get over it...which is how these things should be. You love your little cous', Finner. You always give him your toothiest grin and do your best to make him giggle. You're very successful at that.

In the next month you will be a big sister. I have no doubt that you will love your baby brother or sister with all of your very, big heart. I also have a sneaking suspicion that you will thoroughly enjoy bossing that newcomer around! That's the bonus of being the eldest child...take it from someone who knows!
Welcom to the wonderful world of TWO. Do us a favor...take it easy on your parents...they'll be working hard (on little sleep) in the next few months. Happy Birthday Bug - we love you!


Terri said...

Love the pics of the kids. You all have had a very busy weekend celebrating birthdays and today your anniversary. Hope you and Alan are able to have a little alone time.

Michelle and Jack said...

Alone time...What's That? Happy Anniversary! Take advantage of that baby-sitter you have at your house.

Lily loves her cousins and aunt & uncle. Thanks for being an important part of her life.

*Quit showing me're not supposed to post about our big day before I do.