Friday, October 5, 2007

October...My Busiest Month All Year!

I'm sure you can relate to this...there always seems to be a month (or maybe months) that has so much packed into it! For some, that month may be December, others it seems to be an entire season, namely SUMMER. For me, it's October!

I've always loved the month of October and I can't really explain why. Maybe because it's when the leaves start changing, or because as a kid, you have settled into the routine of school, activities, etc. or maybe it's Halloween (not really for me though, I'm not a big fan). Or maybe it's because it's the month before my birthday month (yes, even at the ripe age of 32, I celebrate my birthday MONTH).

But as I looked at the calendar the other day...I realized that as an adult, October is a busy month. This month we'll wish our friends, Sandy & Paul a Happy 2nd Anniversary, the IrishKids, Nana B will be visiting, we'll celebrate our neice Lily's 2nd Birthday, celebrate Fionn's 1st Birthday, and to cap it all off Alan and I will celebrate our 3rd Anniversary. Not to mention my cousin Drew and Ryan's birthdays!

So bring on the celebrations!


Amanda said...

You forgot about the fact that work gets quite a bit more calm in October. At least is used to...I wouldn't know anymore! :)

auntie.k said...

Hi there,
well you certainly have some excuses for celebrations all over and then still have your Birthday to look forward to after you celebrate all the ones before.
well Nana.B is all packed just about or we have packed for her just like some of her luggage is ready for the return she just keeps telling us she is not taking anything home.
love Auntie K