Thursday, December 20, 2007

Seeing Santa

On Tuesday afternoon my sister-in-law, Kathleen, and I took the kids to see Santa Claus. I know I said I wouldn't do it...because waiting in line with screaming, whiny children (I'm speaking of my own) is not my idea of a good time. But since we're in Ireland for Christmas...I decided "how bad could it be"?

We arrived at PowersCourt, an old stone estate which has been transformed into various shops and a gardening center, at about 3:15. As you can see from the sign above, the line to see Santa was 1 and 1/2 hours. Kathleen and I looked at each other and decided, "what the hell...we can handle it"! I think at times my cockiness gets the better of me, wouldn't you agree.

Within the first ten minutes of chasing my son all over the place and watching my daughter fall into various other parents and children, I was ready to give it up and go home...for a big glass of Christmas cheer (aka wine). Lucky for me, Kathleen works with children and has the patience of a saint! She convinced me that it would be fine and definitely worth it. The good news: no matter what country, parents would rather be doing a million other things besides waiting for Santa...but we do it anyway!

The other good news, the group of women in front of us proposed the idea of watching each others buggies while the other group goes for a cup of coffee. That was a great idea! And the caffiene was most appreciated. The IrishKids did very well, especially since they were the youngest in line to see Santa.
Both were delighted to meet Santa and even more so when they received a present from him. Sorry, the only picture I don't have to post is the one taken with Santa. It turned out really screaming or crying (they're not smiling either), but looking straight at the camera. I must say...I am glad that we went. Merry Christmas!


Michelle and Jack said...

Too Funny!!! Good for you for testing that patience level. Only Kathleen would make that happen. She's too good. Can't wait to see the pic. Miss you lots.

Monica said...

Glad to here you guys are better and having fun! You are brave to wait that long to see Santa...I got smart this year and we went to see him about 2 weeks ago, it was great as there was no line! Enjoy your trip and have a great Christmas!

Gr. Susie said...

It sounds like they are having a merry ol' time in Ireland. I'm happy for all of you. Grandma Susie