Monday, December 17, 2007

We're Here...

We've arrived safe and sound in Ireland for the Christmas holiday! It's nice to have the initial leg of the journey behind us. The IrishKids did pretty well on the plane, as well as a 1 & 2 year old could do stuck in a seat for 6.5 hours! They were very happy to see their Nana B and Auntie Kathleen in Dublin.

Alan, Kathleen and I had a good night out on Saturday. Lucky for us, Nana B was kind enough to stay home and babysit. And what a night she had...remember that bug that Fionn had before we left...let's just say that it bit Kit Saturday night. Nana B had to do a load of wash, clean the carpet, and keep Kit occupied while her blanket dried. Kit finally fell asleep and Bernie got to tell us the whole story when we returned. Thank you Nana B.

I took over sick duty yesterday, as Kit was still not feeling herself. Bernie, Alan, and Fionn went down to Dalkey to visit for the day. I was lucky enough to spend the day on the couch, watching any sort of chick flick I could find on TV, enjoying the peace and quiet while my daughter slept for most of the day. Keep your fingers crossed that the bug doesn't bite us all.

Happy Holidays to all!


Michelle and Jack said...

Glad to hear everyone is okay. May the rest of your trip be healthy. Give Kit and Finn kisses. Lily already asked if we could come to your house to see her buddy. So sad:( Try explaining that one to a two year old.
Miss you,

Judi said...

Bummer its not fun to have a bug on vacation. Hope you are all better soon.
Aunt Judi