Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Whole Wheat Goodness!

Last week I joined Weight Watchers. Of course one of the reasons was to lose the dreaded flab that has become somewhat of a permenant fixture on my body since the birth of those gorgeous IrishKids! Another reason, and for me the more important reason, was to learn how to make better food choices for the Gormley family.

So being that I have invested in getting healthy, I went to the grocery store and bought all kinds of healthy items...1% milk, low fat yogurt, lots of fruits & veggies, and whole wheat waffles.

Do you know what I love about frozen waffles? They are super easy to make for the children, of course! Pop 'em in the toaster and a minute later they're done...all golden brown and delicious. Unfortunately, Kit's little body didn't get the memo that whole wheat is GOOD for you.

This is what she looked like about 20 minutes after scarfing down her waffle.

And she pretty much looked like that the whole weekend! Her hives finally cleared up on Sunday morning...after we talked to the pediatrician, who informed us that we weren't giving her enough Benadryl for her weight. I'm happy to report that she's back to her cute, no hive self.

And tomorrow morning...I'm making waffles!


Terri said...

Poor Kit, she has a food allergy? Those whole wheat waffles are good, I hope I'll be able to have one eventually. I'm sure that Kit and Fionn will have many fights and they will take turns making the other cry. Fionn seems like he's not gonna take anything from his sister and stand his ground.
Aunt T

Amanda said...

Hey, Mama! Kit will be very mad at you one day that you left up that terrible picture of her allergic reaction for longer than ONE MONTH. Poor baby!

BLOG or get off the pot, missy! ;)