Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kit's Big Day Out

Kit took her first field trip today to a local Children's Farm. It was such a lovely day...44 degrees and rainy...but the kids didn't seem to mind. Here she is with her classmates...ummmm, she's the one in pink to the very far left. No comments on the lack of her mother's photo taking, please.
The thing is, Kit's not really big on animals...let's just say she gets a bit skittish. I didn't think about that when I signed us up for the field trip. She was fine really...she made sure to keep her distance in the beginnig.

She didn't want to pet the baby chicken, baby goose, or rabbits.

I tried to encourage her to pet the duckling...afterall it was soooo cute. Her answer..."I don't tink so!" Ah well, at least she knows her limits.

After awhile though, she surprised me...she wanted to pet the piglets, the baby goats, the baby cows, the lambs, and the pony and donkey! And by the way, Uncle B, one of the baby cows names was Brenden - spelled the same way as your name! Kit thought that was pretty funny!
After the animals, we went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, and then got back on the bus to go home. I think riding on the big, yellow school bus was as much of a highlight for Kit as the rest of the field trip!

No matter, it was a great time with our big girl!


Michelle and Jack said...

So sweet...That's our Kit.

Amanda said...

I must say that I agree with Kit to her aversion of baby farm animals. They're just full of germs anyway. I would have been the mother in the back with the giant bottle of Purell.