Monday, September 3, 2007

Long Weekends and Early Mornings...

Long weekends are the greatest, aren't they? I love them, but could someone please explain to my children that these weekends are for having fun and, more importantly, sleeping in????? I've tried to have this conversation multiple times this weekend...they don't seem to be listening. The bitter irony of it all is that on the weekday's, they'd have no problem sleeping until 8:30 am (go ahead, laugh at me...8:30 is sleeping in????). The trick I'd desperately like to teach them is how to get up, get cereal, turn on Shrek, and let their parents (who foolishly consumed a bottle and a half of red wine the night before) sleep until their headache goes away...oops, I mean until nine.

When are they ready to learn that trick?


Terri said...

Unfortunately not until about 6. That's when they will get up and get there cereal, spill most of it on the floor and then try to pour the milk on it and spill it all over too.
Aunt T

Amanda said...

I'm trying to teach Maddie the same trick, but I think Aunt T is may take a while.

I just don't even bother with more than two glasses of wine anymore. It's not worth the pain the next day. And by pain, I mean the pain in my head and the little girl who wants to PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! WITH LOUD THINGS! AND THEN WHINE! WHINE! WHINE!