Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wishes To All!

Merry Christmas to one and all! Here I sit on Christmas morning, thinking of my loved ones-near and far, drinking a glass of champagne, and enjoying the peace and quiet while the children nap. I thought I'd share just a few snapshots of the children's time leading up to Santa's visit.

Here they sit on Christmas Eve, fresh out of the bath and snug in the pj's Gramma & Papa gave them for Christmas. Just ten more minutes until bedtime...
We weren't up quite as early as usual this year, but once again we had to wake Kit from her sleep...which means she'll need a nap sooner rather than later. Check out her buggy...she loves it...I'm just trying to figure out how we'll get that home!
Ahhh, she's finally opening her (and anyone else's) presents. This is what she's been hearing about since before we arrived in Ireland. She wasn't really all that interested about what was inside the wrapper...she just wanted the first pull! Fionn was happy to pick up the remains! He was delighted with all the new things.
It is true that you re-discover the magic of Christmas through your children...tantrums and all!
For all our family and friends, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! We're lucky to be here in Ireland celebrating with Alan's family...his first in 8 years. We miss the rest of our family and friends in the States, we love you and are celebrating right along with you.


Michelle and Jack said...

Merry Christmas to all of you across the sea. Shannon, Alan, Kit, and Fionn we over here in the TP miss you guys like crazy.
love Jack, Michelle, Lily, and Jack

*There's a bottle of champagne waiting for us when you get here!

Terri said...

So happy to hear that you are having a wonderful Christmas with Alan's family. Jen is here celebrating with us. Its her first since she moved to Wisconsin and I'm savoring every minute she is here. Merry Christmas to you all in Ireland!

Gr. Susie said...

They look so cute in red!

Judi said...

The kids look like they are really enjoying themselves. Enjoy every moment! Loads of Love,
Aunt Judi & Uncle Al